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Beirut.NYC.Bos05 065 Beirut.NYC.Bos05 067 Beirut.NYC.Bos05 069 Beirut.NYC.Bos05 072 IMG_2719 IMG_2729 Beirut.NYC.Bos05 093 IMG_2736 IMG_2759 IMG_2767
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IMG_2729  [15 of 32]

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ExhibitPlus IMG_2729 Byblos is 8000 years old.  Bill Crays is not quite that old.
Byblos is 8000 years old. Bill Crays is not quite that old.

FILE NAME: IMG_2729.JPG  |  DATE: 06-13-2005  |  CITY: Beirut  |  COUNTRY: Lebanon